Huge Selection - Dallas Cowboys vs. Chicago Bears Tickets in Dallas, Texas For Sale
Dallas Cowboys vs. Chicago Bears Tickets
AT&T Stadium
Arlington, TX
September 25, xxxx
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greatest in literature. Rasselas is simply an extended and glorified moral apologue--an enlarged "Vision of Mirza." It has no real story; it has no real characters; its dialogue is "talking book;" it indulges in some but not much description. It is in fact a prose Vanity of Human Wishes, admirably if somewhat stiffly arranged in form, and as true to life as life itself. You will have difficulty in finding a wiser book anywhere; but although it is quite true that a novel need not be foolish, wisdom is certainly not its determining differentia. Yet for our purposes Rasselas is almost as valuable as Tom Jones itself: because it shows how imperative and wide?ranging was the struggle towards production of this kind in prose. The book is really--to adapt the quaint title of one of the preceding century--Johnson al Mondo: and at this time, when Johnson wanted to communicate his thoughts to the world in a popular form, we see that he chose the novel. The lesson is not so glaringly obvious in the Vicar of Wakefield, because this is a novel, and a very delightful one. The only point of direct
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