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GUITAR LESSONS like none other around! Learn to IMPROVISE like its 2nd nature! in Dallas, Texas For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

****Private Guitar Lessons (Beginner->Intermediate Level- +PLUS+) in Plano (just 2 blocks behind Guitar Center). Best rates! 45 min - 1 hour of un-rushed, relaxed, SUPERIOR QAULITY sessions week-in and week-out from someone that truly CARES whether or not you learn!
With strong emphasis on IMPROVISATION from day one, you'll learn basics of various guitar styles -> scales and chords++ -> songwriting (construction & deconstruction)-> performance techniques -> Learning the songs YOU want to learn each week COMBINED with the proper techniques and music knowledge that you will need to become as skilled as you choose to be! And in no time, on to the level of which you're writing your own songs, even recording them yourself if you so desire. Not to mention, with instruction from a laid-back, very qualified, inspirationally motivating, highly attentive, and all-'round cool guy/teacher with 30+ years of guitar playing/performing/teaching/writing experience, mixing healthy amounts of rock/funk/blues/hardrock into an awesome and fun musical creation and learning experience i call "GUITAR Of Fluid Melodies". I have no doubt that I can help direct you into the eternal pathway of the ever-gratifying, self-satisfying, truly wondrous magic that is MUSIC****
Learn for yourself, to express yourself,
To better yourself, to respect yourself.
As you proudly reach beyond, grasping the strength of Gods,
Growing taller over every hill, and lighter with every thrill.
Becoming amazingly aware, PEACE OF MIND comes when 'KNOWING' YOURSELF.
****Reply to this ad and i will promptly get back to you with all of the info you will need to begin!****
See ya soon!

State: Texas  City: Dallas  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Texas for sale

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