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Classic Rock/Blues band seeks male vocalist in Dallas, Texas For Sale

Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Three piece band of seasoned pros seeks male vocalist.
We don't want to tour, just play wkd gigs in Dallas/Terrell area for extra money and fun. Drinker ok, NO alkies, druggees,pwhips or karaoke clowns please.
You must have stage presence,good pipes,able to work a crowd,dependable transpo and dedication to work with 1 band only.
We have PA, mics and practice in Forney (just 30 mins from Dallas) either Sat@1 pm or Sun@2pm.
Mike 903-287-xxxx

State: Texas  City: Dallas  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Texas for sale

This ad is older than 2 months.
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